VCLRA initiatives and other resources

Tools to help preserve and protect our waterways and shorelands

Blue Heron Shoreland Steward­ship Award Program

The Blue Heron Shoreland Stewardship Awards Program was established to recognize lake property owners who champion strong lake stewardship principles in the development and use of their waterfront property to minimize environmental impacts. VCLRA makes these annual awards to generate awareness and educate lake property owners on the importance of shoreland stewardship, and showcase excellence in lake-friendly waterfront development.

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VCLRA Scholarship

$500 competitive scholarships will be awarded to graduating High School Seniors who reside in Vilas County pursuing a career in the area of Natural Resources.

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Shoreland Protection Legacy

Leave a lasting legacy. VCLRA has partnered with the Northwoods Land Trust (NWLT) in a Shoreland Protection Legacy Initiative to permanently conserve extensive stretches of privately-owned natural shoreline on lakes, rivers, ponds and streams in Vilas County.

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Northwoods Businesses for Clean Waters

The natural beauty and recreational value of our lakes and rivers are the foundation of our Northwoods economy. North­woods Bussinesses for Clean Waters is a partnership of conservationists and businesses dependent on the vitality of our natural waters. Our common vision of the Northwoods as a place where both people and nature thrive can only be realized by working together to protect our beautiful lakes and rivers.

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New Shoreland Owners Initiative

Are you a new owner of lake property? Learn about ways to help keep your lake beautiful and healthy. Special offer available.

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GREET Initiative

Improper shoreline development is the major threat to lake health. Many damaging developments happen soon after a change in ownership. Our Greet your Neighbor Initiative is designed to equip lake associations with the tools they need to identify and share their community’s vision of waterfront living with new lake residents in a positive, engaging way.

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 AIS Workplan Map of Vilas County
This Graphical Information System (GIS) created by Vilas Land & Water Conservation shows locations of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) and associated planned monitoring, management, and detection efforts.

 List of Vilas County Lakes
This list compiled by Wisconsin DNR provides substantial data on lakes in Vilas County.

 List of Vilas County Lake Associations/Districts
This list of lake organizations in Vilas County  compiled by UW Extension provides contact and other useful information.

 Vilas County Aquatic Invasives List
Whether they come in ballast water, on the hulls of recreation boats or from the water of an angler’s bait bucket, many non-native species such as zebra mussels and Eurasian water milfoil have found their way into Wisconsin’s waterways. Their presence can cause severe damage to local ecosystems, industry and tourism.

 Clean Boats Clean Waters
CBCW is the front-line defense against AIS. On weekends and busy holidays, watercraft inspectors statewide educate boaters on how and where AIS are likely found and how to perform a watercraft inspection. Learn about CBCW and how you can get involved.

 Lake and Shoreland Stewardship Guides
UW-Extension has compiled a large collection of guides that provide a wealth of background and how-to information, including restoration guides.

 Wisconsin’s Healthy Lakes
Healthy Lakes includes 5 simple and inexpensive best practices that improve habitat and water quality on your lakeshore property. Check out the best practices, supporting technical guidance, and other information.

 Starting a Lake Association
Wisconsin has a long history of volunteerism protecting lakes in Wisconsin. With 15,000 lakes, this vast army of volunteers has been an essential partner to the state to help preserve and protect our lake heritage. Be sure to also view this extensive lake organization GUIDE.