The corona virus (Covid-19) has created an unprecedented global health and economic crisis. In this moment in time, we have in common with all other people on our planet the same fear, anxiety and stress over its impacts on the health of our family and friends, as well as its consequences for our society and economy.
Yet I look out the window and see an entirely peaceful and calming scene, seemingly detached from the human toll worldwide. It is amazing to look at our lakes and their natural surroundings and see that the natural world does not appear to have noticed our crisis or been impacted at all. Well, the skies are maybe a little clearer.
Nature is the essential healer — a source of beauty, wonder, and inspiration. As nature remains there for us, our advocacy for nature is more important than ever.
Our board continues to work remotely on the issues that are so important to our lake community. We, like many others, are holding our meetings by video conferencing to stay safe while pressing on. We are following national, state and county guidelines to postpone gatherings and are looking for ways to create digital learning experiences for our programs (like this year’s multi-county annual meeting on July 10th). We are also working with our collaborators and partners to ensure that our region’s natural waters continue to be protected, preserved, and when possible, enjoyed.
As we collectively work our way through this worldwide pandemic, it is easy to for-get how important our lakes and rivers are to our lives. But as advocates for our lake and river heritage, we understand that this is a crucial time to share that the health of our environment and our economy is closely linked to the natural beauty and vitality of our lakes and rivers.
Please note that we depend on membership dues and contributions to support our work, and I hope that you will continue your support by joining, renewing or making a (tax-deductible) contribution. This can all be done via our website now by credit card, with an option to pay by check.
Stay well and safe; take care of yourself and each other. And enjoy our lakes and rivers responsibly!
Tom Ewing
VCLRA President
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