Our June 2020 newsletter is available
Our latest newsletter (June 2020) is now available. It is notable for being the first newsletter published since the Covid-19 outbreak. Our board continues to work remotely on the issues that are so important to our lake community. We are very appreciative of our many members who have already renewed, as well as the generous donations we have received. Your steadfast support during these challenging times enables us to continue our mission to protect our lakes and rivers. Read our latest newsletter for all the details about our work during this unique period in our 25 year history.
Six-county lakes & rivers meeting agenda
Lake advocates and lake lovers from six northern Wisconsin counties are invited to an online discussion by Zoom video-conferencing of issues related to lake quality and protection on Friday, July 10. The live discussion, from 9 a.m. to 1 pm, will explore ways to encourage lake property owners to follow lake-friendly and environmentally responsible practices. Speakers will emphasize outreach to property owners as a way to advance natural shorelines and water-quality protection. Immediately following the multi-county lakes online meeting, both Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association (VCLRA) and Oneida County Lakes and Rivers Association (OCLRA) will hold their annual board meetings in separate, virtual “breakout rooms” online.