2021 Six County Lakes & Rivers Conference Video

View all presentations from the 2021 six-county lakes and rivers conference, which  was hosted by Vilas and Oneida County Lakes and Rivers Associations on July 16th 2021. Attendees were invited from Oneida, Vilas, Forest, Langlade, Iron and Lincoln counties.  Pat Goggin, lake specialist at the UW Extension Lakes, was the conference leader.  Climate change, high water, development, and less state protections can all impact water quality in the Northwoods and were some of the topics addressed during the meeting by lake leaders and experts from Wisconsin and Minnesota. 


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Six-county lakes & rivers meeting agenda

Lake advocates and lake lovers from six northern Wisconsin counties are invited to an online discussion by Zoom video-conferencing of issues related to lake quality and protection on Friday, July 10.  The live discussion, from 9 a.m. to 1 pm, will explore ways to encourage lake property owners to follow lake-friendly and environmentally responsible practices. Speakers will emphasize outreach to property owners as a way to advance natural shorelines and water-quality protection. Immediately following the multi-county lakes online meeting, both Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association (VCLRA) and Oneida County Lakes and Rivers Association (OCLRA) will hold their annual board meetings in separate, virtual “breakout rooms” online.


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Read more about the article Note from the President
(c) T F Ewing

Note from the President

The corona virus (Covid-19) has created an unprecedented global health and economic crisis. In this moment in time, we have in common with all other people on our planet the same fear, anxiety and stress over its impacts on the health of our family and friends, as well as its consequences for our society and economy.

Yet I look out the window and see an entirely peaceful and calming scene, seemingly detached from the human toll worldwide. It is amazing to look at our lakes and their natural surroundings and see that the natural world does not appear to have noticed our crisis or been impacted at all. Well, the skies are maybe a little clearer. (more…)

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